Back when The Aussie and I used to dream about having a property, I dreamed of strolling around the land with the dogs, enjoying the sunshine, peace and fresh air, maybe building a running trail. To these dreams I now say Bahahahahahaa. Good one. Mother Nature really likes to reclaim fields and woods. In a big way. Soon the vegetation will start to die back, I hope, and we'll be able to make some headway in to reclaiming our fields. In the meantime, you had to figure that a brush hog would be in our future. I was across the pond, cleaning at the cabin, when the boys took the brush hog, now named "The Beast" out for a spin. From how they described The Beast, Stephen King could write a horror story about it. You know, along the lines of The Mangler. This thing seriously chews up the brush. Which is a good thing, considering that's why The Aussie got it.
Making headway in to the brush.
You could do a non-corn maze in this stuff, it's so tall.
This is the back side of the huge tree that was taken down last time.
This is as far as they got. It's so thick here. They'll need to try to clear brush from the other side of the pond.
Looking towards one of the hay fields.
Looking back towards the cabin where we were cleaning.