Enter Tigger (yes, I named the UTV) to the rescue. We were able to winch the mower out of the soft sandy area and back up on to slightly more stable ground. This little thing is a serious workhorse. She was hauling stuff all weekend. On a side note, we aren't always there working alone. We are blessed to have some really good friends to help us with this place, and rescue me when the car breaks down, over an hour away, with a car full of three dogs and a parrot, in 104 degree heat on a getaway Friday. Things could have turned out very badly for my pups, but Someone was keeping watch over us and I was able to limp to a gas station and made it under the shade cover over the gas pumps. (Thank you, also, to the man who gave me bottles of water for the dogs, and Angie and Brooke, who kept me company while I was waiting for my rescuer, my husband (who wasn't allowed to leave work, even though it was an emergency, thank you very much corporate person who doesn't know what Texas heat is like), and a tow truck.
Some of these friends are REALLY, REALLY handy with chain saws. The guys were able to finish cutting down a number of dead trees and get them cut in to logs. We really need to research converting a gas fireplace (no chimney) in to a wood burning fireplace to take advantage of all of the dead wood we have. (Another side note: I wonder if we can get Gatorade to be a corporate sponsor of our work weekends.)
Last time we were there, we noticed a hummingbird flitting around the patio. When we went in to town, we picked up a hummingbird feeder and some nectar. As it turns out, we don't have one hummingbird. We have four that regularly visit. One of them is a bit of a bully, too, but it's really neat seeing hummingbirds so close. If you look just to the left of the bottom of the feeder, you'll see a little light brown shape. That's one of the regulars. They are seriously tiny!
We also had a couple of Bambi sightings. The light tan spot in the middle of this picture is a young fawn. We didn't see her mom, but the guys said that momma was likely hidden in the trees. Little one was grazing on some of the brush near the edge of the pond. It was so cool, seeing her!
Next work weekend trip we'll be making bread. Start to finish, I'll grind the wheat to make flour, and then make bread. Okay, so we'll be using a bread maker, but still. It will be very fun. Now if only we could get some cooler weather. I want to do some campfire cooking!
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