Monday, September 30, 2013

What a difference some rain makes

Over the last few months, I have been taking pictures, documenting if you will, the water levels of the "lake." I use quotes because the lake became two separate ponds, both shrinking. This could be all drought related, but we were told before we purchased the property that there *may* be a leak, because the water seemed to drop more rapidly than if it was just evaporating. When we were there a few weeks ago, I took the top picture. I have to tell you that it just about broke my heart seeing that side of the lake almost gone.

Since I took this picture, we have gotten some significant rain. I cannot describe how happy it made me to see the pond coming back, almost to where it was when we first saw the property.

I also managed to get a picture of one of the hummingbirds. Our friends say that there are even babies, half the size of the adults, that are coming to the second feeder we put up. It's really cool to sit outside and watch them. They dart around the yard, perching up in the trees, chittering at each other. Please excuse the crud on the window. The Aussie was mowing the lawn one day in the wrong direction and grass was flung up towards the house and stuck there. Just another thing that needs cleaning. ;)
We also had a larger avian visitor. I've seen one of the huge grey herons around the pond before, but it always took off as we arrived. We had a white heron visit this weekend. Very cool.

In less quiet moments, the guys were at it with the chainsaw again. While I like the look of many of the dead trees, it would be very dangerous to keep certain ones standing. This is one of them. When I drove up and saw what they'd been up to, I must admit that my jaw dropped, and some expletives came out of my mouth. It took them 4 hours to get this one down. I'm really glad we'll be able to haul the wood with Tigger and the trailer. Now if only we knew where to store to store the wood, since the log racks are already full. 

Lastly, just because he's my beautiful boy, I give you this picture for your viewing pleasure. :)





  1. Hmmm. How does a pond possibly have leak? I haz confusion about that. Seriously, I don't know diddly about ponds.
    As for the larger avian visitor you referred to, I was hoping to see it was a Flamingo. O_O

  2. Um. It's a white flamingo, yeah, that's it. :) Ponds that weren't sealed with clay or some other sort of liner can leak when the drought makes the ground crack.
